Safety Mirrors

Safety mirrors are used in variety of environments to help eliminate collisions and injuries. They are often installed in areas where forklifts, telehandlers, diggers and other wheeled machines are used, and are especially important where workers are also moving around on foot, or where pedestrians might be.

Thanks to their warped convex design, they offer a very wide field of vision, making it easy to spot potential hazards – from either the viewpoint of a person driving a given machine, or someone on foot.

Outdoor, Full Dome Safety Mirrors

Popular convex safety mirror types include outdoor safety mirrors and full dome safety mirrors.

Safety mirrors are also extremely useful in settings where surveillance and observation is important – offering a wide field of vision in locations where it would otherwise be difficult to see.

Environments where safety mirrors are often installed include: construction sites, warehouses, factories, government offices, military installations and concealed entrances near busy roads.

To make an enquiry call Colchester:
+44 (0)1206 273111
+44 (0)1204 791122

Enquiry Form

To make an enquiry please call
+44 (0)1206 273111   or   
+44 (0)1204 791122